Tuesday 24 September 2013

It's Tomato-tastic!

I decided today, that rather than get ready to plant seeds for the kids, I would show them the other end of the spectrum - the garden. 

The kids both love to come out and "help".  Sweetie usually ends up getting distracted and letting me do the work, while Little Dude usually "helps" a little too much with the harvesting. 

But, alas, at least I can get them involved.  As soon as we got outside and I told Sweetie we were going out to the garden to pick tomatoes, she said, "This is tomato-tastic!".  I don't know where she got that from, but it sure is cute.

And today's interpretation of Week 2 Day 2 went a little like this:

We started out all in the garden picking the orange tomatoes.  Or at least that was the plan!

I actually ended up with quite a few tomatoes this year considering our weather this summer.

And off she goes, "letting" me pick the rest.

And Little Dude helps pick the green ones.

She decided she needed a megaphone to give proper directions to us.

Then she found a dandelion seed head. 

And blew her little heart out.

This is our sad brussel sprout plant.  I have never grown them before, but I don't think we are going to actually get any.

And we have a pumpkin hiding.

And we may even get some more zucchini!

And I found a pumpkin that was even better at hiding.  I must have passed by this one about 5 times before I saw it!


My little helper looking for more treasures.

This was our surprise sunflower.  I think the birds planted this one.

My mom used to call these "indian berries" I think.  They make a beautiful pink colour when you smoosh them.  I didn't let the kids play with it though!

And a surprise strawberry even!  I had to eat this one since it was the only one! ;)


  1. AMAZING GARDEN! I decided that i was going to do a garden this year and went for it 1000 percent. My garden was gorgeous until my boxer ate the entire garden one day!! zucchinis, squash, eggplant, even jalapeno peppers. ....I was so sad. I am jealous looking at your pics! Thanks for sharing at the Friday Follow Along! I hope you will swing by and linkup this week!

    1. Heather,
      I had that same problem several years ago when we had two dogs, so I know how you feel. They even managed to destroy my mint, which is supposed to be an invasive weed! Hopefully next year will go better for you! Have a great weekend!
